Output Formats | Description |
json | Return the output in the JSON format. |
xml | Return the output in the XML format. |
text | Return the output in the plain text format. |
Commands | Description |
addlocalfile | Add local .nzb to the queue. |
browse | API function for the path browser dialog. |
disconnect | Force disconnect server connections in SABnzbd. |
get_cats | Displays the categories in SABnzbd. |
get_config | Displays the current sabnzbd.ini config. |
get_files | Displays the files for an item in the queue. |
get_scripts | Displays the scripts in SABnzbd. |
history | Displays the SABnzbd history. |
options | Displays the SABnzbd tools options. |
osx_icon | Set the SABnzbd config value of the OS X SABnzbd menu icon. |
pause | Pause the SABnzbd queue (global). |
qstatus | A barebones output of the SABnzbd queue. |
queue | Display the SABnzbd queue. |
queue.delete | Delete an item from the SABnzbd queue. |
restart | Restart SABnzbd. |
resume | Resume the SABnzbd queue (global). |
rss_now | Obtain RSS feed items in SABnzbd. |
shutdown | Shut down SABnzbd. |
test_email | Send a test e-mail notification using the settings defined in SABnzbd. |
test_notif | Send a test Growl notification using the settings defined in SABnzbd. |
version | Display the version of SABnzbd currently running. |
warnings | Display the current warnings in SABnzbd. |
Miscellaneous | Description |
advanced api | Advanced usage of the API. |
disclaimer | Disclaimer about the API. |
There is a global option called 'output' that may be set to change the formatting of the returned API response.
XML does not allow for children elements if the root does not have a keyword.
For this reason the root (outer most) XML keyword will be 'result' when needed, as shown below.
Parameter | Description |
output optional |
json, xml, [text] |
"status": 0,
"nzo_ids": [
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
{'status': 0, 'nzo_ids': ['SABnzbd_nzo_ocz8vt']}
Add a local file containing a .nzb to be processed and added to the SABnzbd queue. Default post-processing options are used unless specififed.
Returns a status code when processed, see below for the breakdown.
Parameter | Description |
name required |
valid location to a single nzb to process (accepts .zip, .rar, .gz. or .nzb) |
pp optional |
override default pp option |
script optional |
override default script |
cat optional |
override default category |
priority optional |
override default priority |
nzbname optional |
only used for non archived files ( .nzb / .gz ) |
{ "status": 0, "nzo_ids": [ "SABnzbd_nzo_ocz8vt" ] }
filename extension: nzb/gz | |
Status | Description |
-2 | Error/Retry |
-1 | Error |
0 | OK |
1 | OK-but-ignorecannot-delete |
filename extension: zip/rar | |
Status | Description |
-1 | Error/Retry |
0 | OK |
1 | Ignore |
API function for the path browser dialog.
Parameter | Description |
name optional |
valid path |
compact optional |
[0], 1 used for the autocomplete function |
{ "paths": [ { "current_path": "S:\\" }, { "path": "S:\\$RECYCLE.BIN", "name": "$RECYCLE.BIN" }, { "path": "S:\\System Volume Information", "name": "System Volume Information" }, { "path": "S:\\TV", "name": "TV" }, { "path": "S:\\TV-Asian", "name": "TV-Asian" }, { "path": "S:\\TV-Canceled", "name": "TV-Canceled" }, { "path": "S:\\TV-Misc", "name": "TV-Misc" }, { "path": "", "name": ".." } ] }
Displays the categories in SABnzbd.
Parameter | Description |
{ "categories": [ "*", "anime", "apps", "books", "consoles", "couchpotato", "emulation", "games", "misc", "movies", "music", "pda", "resources", "tv" ] }
Displays the current sabnzbd.ini .
Parameter | Description |
{ "config": { "newzbin": { "username": "", "bookmark_rate": 60, "url": "www.newzbin2.es", "bookmarks": 0, "password": "", "unbookmark": 1 }, "growl": { "growl_enable": 1 }, "logging": { "log_new": 0, "max_log_size": "5242880", "log_level": 2, "log_backups": 5, "enable_cherrypy_logging": 0 }, "nzbmatrix": { "username": "nzbmatrix_user", "apikey": "22222222222222222222222222222222", "del_bookmark": 1 }, "rss": [ { "pp": "", "enable": 0, "name": "nzb.su", "script": "", "uri": "http://nzb.su/rss?t=-2&dl=1&i=1576&r=11111111111111111111111111111111&del=1", "cat": "", "priority": -100, "filter0": [ "", "", "", "A", "*", "-100" ] }, { "filter5": [ "", "", "", "R", "-NAVER", "-100" ], "pp": "", "enable": 0, "name": "nzb.su audio", "script": "Default", "uri": "http://nzb.su/rss?t=3000&dl=1&i=1576&r=11111111111111111111111111111111", "cat": "music", "priority": -100, "filter4": [ "", "", "", "R", "-FLAC", "-100" ], "filter7": [ "", "", "", "R", "-CABLE-", "-100" ], "filter6": [ "", "", "", "R", "Proton", "-100" ], "filter1": [ "", "", "", "A", "symphony", "-100" ], "filter0": [ "", "", "", "M", "-2012-", "-100" ], "filter3": [ "", "", "", "A", "essential", "-100" ], "filter2": [ "", "", "", "A", "MonoPoly", "-100" ], "filter8": [ "", "", "", "A", "*", "-100" ] } ], "misc": { "queue_complete": "", "https_port": "9090", "folder_max_length": 128, "folder_rename": 1, "allow_64bit_tools": 1, "password_file": "", "rss_rate": 300, "email_server": "smtp.gmail.com:587", "cleanup_list": [ ".txt" ], "email_rss": 0, "allow_streaming": 0, "cache_limit": "128M", "ignore_unrar_dates": 0, "par_option": "", "web_color": "white", "api_warnings": 1, "tv_sort_string": "%sn/Season %s/%sn - S%0sE%0e - %en.%ext", "web_color2": "gold", "dirscan_speed": 5, "enable_filejoin": 1, "create_group_folders": 0, "api_key": "1234567890abcdef0987654321fedcba", "never_repair": 0, "no_penalties": 0, "username": "xbmc", "pause_on_pwrar": 1, "download_dir": "downloads/incomplete", "size_limit": "", "enable_par_cleanup": 1, "bandwidth_limit": 0, "safe_postproc": 1, "disable_api_key": 0, "cache_dir": "cache", "email_to": [ "username@gmail.com" ], "complete_dir": "downloads/complete", "rss_filenames": 0, "password": "******", "replace_illegal": 1, "permissions": "", "par2_multicore": 1, "ignore_wrong_unrar": 0, "warned_old_queue": 0, "enable_tsjoin": 1, "check_new_rel": 1, "auto_disconnect": 1, "use_pickle": 0, "enable_https": 0, "enable_date_sorting": 0, "no_dupes": 2, "top_only": 1, "quick_check": 1, "movie_sort_string": "%title (%y)/%title (%y).%ext", "email_from": "username@gmail.com", "replace_dots": 0, "movie_extra_folder": 0, "email_endjob": 2, "tv_categories": [ ], "unpack_check": 1, "email_account": "username@gmail.com", "login_realm": "SABnzbd", "movie_sort_extra": " CD%1", "replace_spaces": 1, "ionice": "", "enable_unzip": 1, "download_free": "", "https_key": "server.key", "enable_movie_sorting": 0, "send_group": 0, "refresh_rate": 0, "pre_script": "None", "movie_categories": [ "movies" ], "email_full": 1, "port": "8082", "script_dir": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\SickBeard\\autoProcessTV", "log_dir": "logs", "config_lock": 0, "admin_dir": "admin", "nzb_backup_dir": "D:\\Sickbeard_NZB", "nice": "", "tv_sort_countries": 1, "date_categories": "tv", "email_dir": "", "ssl_type": "v23", "sfv_check": 1, "date_sort_string": "%t/%t - %y-%0m-%0d - %desc.%ext", "enable_unrar": 1, "dirscan_dir": "", "schedlines": [ "0 7 * speedlimit 300", "25 17 * speedlimit 0" ], "web_dir2": "Plush", "host": "localhost", "https_cert": "server.cert", "ignore_samples": 2, "email_pwd": "*******", "fail_on_crc": 0, "nzb_key": "fedcba012345676543210abcdeffedcb", "auto_sort": 0, "language": "en", "ampm": 1, "auto_browser": 1, "web_dir": "smpl", "pause_on_post_processing": 0, "enable_tv_sorting": 0, "queue_complete_pers": 1 }, "categories": [ { "priority": -100, "pp": "", "name": "tv", "script": "sabToSickBeard.exe", "newzbin": "TV", "dir": "TV" }, { "priority": -100, "pp": "", "name": "misc", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "Misc", "dir": "Misc" }, { "priority": -100, "pp": "", "name": "couchpotato", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "CP", "dir": "CP" }, { "priority": 0, "pp": "3", "name": "*", "script": "None", "newzbin": "", "dir": "" }, { "priority": -100, "pp": "", "name": "apps", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "Apps", "dir": "Apps" }, { "priority": -100, "pp": "", "name": "movies", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "Movies", "dir": "Movies" }, { "priority": -100, "pp": "", "name": "consoles", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "Consoles", "dir": "Consoles" }, { "priority": -100, "pp": "", "name": "books", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "Books", "dir": "Books" }, { "priority": -100, "pp": "", "name": "games", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "Games", "dir": "Games" }, { "priority": -100, "pp": "", "name": "anime", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "Anime", "dir": "Anime" }, { "priority": -100, "pp": "", "name": "music", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "Music", "dir": "Music" }, { "priority": -100, "pp": "", "name": "pda", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "PDA", "dir": "PDA" }, { "priority": -100, "pp": "", "name": "resources", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "Resources", "dir": "Resources" }, { "priority": -100, "pp": "", "name": "emulation", "script": "Default", "newzbin": "Emulation", "dir": "Emulation" } ], "servers": [ { "username": "astra_username", "enable": 1, "name": "ssl.astraweb.com:563", "fillserver": 0, "connections": 18, "ssl": 1, "host": "ssl-eu.astraweb.com", "timeout": 120, "password": "************", "optional": 0, "port": 563, "retention": 0 } ] } }
Displays the file list of an job in the SABnzbd queue.
Parameter | Description |
value required |
unique queue job id |
{ "files": [ { "status": "finished", "mb": "2.31", "age": "4d", "bytes": "2424330.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.vol000+02.par2", "mbleft": "0.00", "id": "0" }, { "status": "finished", "mb": "97.78", "age": "4d", "bytes": "102534041.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r01", "mbleft": "0.00", "id": "1" }, { "status": "finished", "mb": "98.40", "age": "4d", "bytes": "103181594.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.rar", "mbleft": "0.00", "id": "2" }, { "status": "finished", "mb": "97.83", "age": "4d", "bytes": "102580609.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r00", "mbleft": "0.00", "id": "3" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "97.82", "age": "4d", "bytes": "102570144.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r02", "mbleft": "83.55", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_oihzoa", "id": "4" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "97.86", "age": "4d", "bytes": "102611360.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r03", "mbleft": "40.76", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_017uve", "id": "5" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "97.78", "age": "4d", "bytes": "102533560.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r04", "mbleft": "97.03", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_eypgz0", "id": "6" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "97.96", "age": "4d", "bytes": "102720865.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r05", "mbleft": "96.46", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_63lgpe", "id": "7" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "98.07", "age": "4d", "bytes": "102832138.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r06", "mbleft": "98.07", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_sgcr7f", "id": "8" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "97.75", "age": "4d", "bytes": "102502916.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r07", "mbleft": "97.01", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_bcivqc", "id": "9" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "97.73", "age": "4d", "bytes": "102476488.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r08", "mbleft": "96.98", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_3t-hhi", "id": "10" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "97.75", "age": "4d", "bytes": "102493651.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r09", "mbleft": "97.75", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_x6u2ai", "id": "11" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "97.89", "age": "4d", "bytes": "102643675.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r10", "mbleft": "97.14", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_ewkefi", "id": "12" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "98.40", "age": "4d", "bytes": "103178258.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r11", "mbleft": "98.40", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_bnkkff", "id": "13" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "98.40", "age": "4d", "bytes": "103180735.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r12", "mbleft": "98.40", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_5ehqet", "id": "14" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "98.41", "age": "4d", "bytes": "103195030.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r13", "mbleft": "98.41", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_q9_tz8", "id": "15" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "98.39", "age": "4d", "bytes": "103170785.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r14", "mbleft": "98.39", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_wgzqgv", "id": "16" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "98.41", "age": "4d", "bytes": "103189574.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r15", "mbleft": "98.41", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_cmdln9", "id": "17" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "98.40", "age": "4d", "bytes": "103182450.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r16", "mbleft": "98.40", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_bgjzjs", "id": "18" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "98.40", "age": "4d", "bytes": "103179833.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r17", "mbleft": "98.40", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_vwhdnq", "id": "19" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "98.37", "age": "4d", "bytes": "103151439.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r18", "mbleft": "98.37", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_axupow", "id": "20" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "98.39", "age": "4d", "bytes": "103174233.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r19", "mbleft": "98.39", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_jwv4xe", "id": "21" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "98.40", "age": "4d", "bytes": "103182387.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r20", "mbleft": "98.40", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_2fvbsc", "id": "22" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "52.81", "age": "4d", "bytes": "55376446.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.r21", "mbleft": "52.81", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_9nxqbf", "id": "23" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "0.05", "age": "4d", "bytes": "48029.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.par2", "mbleft": "0.05", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_lox9sj", "id": "24" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "0.00", "age": "4d", "bytes": "3135.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.sfv", "mbleft": "0.00", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_kzjs7o", "id": "25" }, { "status": "active", "mb": "0.01", "age": "4d", "bytes": "5714.00", "filename": "Foreverworld.2011.R5.DVDRip.XVID.AC3.HQ.Hive-CM8.nfo", "mbleft": "0.01", "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_gr9x0k", "id": "26" }, { "status": "queued", "set": "010212_01_26_06", "mb": "83.59", "age": "4d", "bytes": "87645753.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.vol126+75.par2", "mbleft": "82.07", "id": "27" }, { "status": "queued", "set": "010212_01_26_06", "mb": "71.37", "age": "4d", "bytes": "74835704.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.vol062+64.par2", "mbleft": "70.61", "id": "28" }, { "status": "queued", "set": "010212_01_26_06", "mb": "4.58", "age": "4d", "bytes": "4799702.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.vol002+04.par2", "mbleft": "1.55", "id": "29" }, { "status": "queued", "set": "010212_01_26_06", "mb": "35.80", "age": "4d", "bytes": "37537793.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.vol030+32.par2", "mbleft": "35.04", "id": "30" }, { "status": "queued", "set": "010212_01_26_06", "mb": "9.06", "age": "4d", "bytes": "9502681.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.vol006+08.par2", "mbleft": "8.31", "id": "31" }, { "status": "queued", "set": "010212_01_26_06", "mb": "17.99", "age": "4d", "bytes": "18863650.00", "filename": "010212_01_26_06.vol014+16.par2", "mbleft": "17.23", "id": "32" } ] }
Displays the SABnzbd history.
Parameter | Description |
limit required |
[0] |
start required |
[xxx] |
{ "history": { "active_lang": "en", "paused": false, "session": "1234567890abcdef0987654321fedcba", "restart_req": false, "power_options": true, "slots": [ { "action_line": "", "show_details": "True", "script_log": "", "meta": null, "fail_message": "", "loaded": false, "id": 1257, "size": "2.2 GB", "category": "movies", "pp": "D", "retry": 0, "completeness": 0, "script": "None", "nzb_name": "Foreverworld 2011 R5 DVDRip XVID AC3 HQ Hive CM8.nzb", "download_time": 1004, "storage": "C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\downloads\\complete\\Movies\\Foreverworld_2011_R5_DVDRip_XVID_AC3_HQ_Hive_CM8", "status": "Completed", "script_line": "", "completed": 1328437385, "nzo_id": "SABnzbd_nzo_io6gzf", "downloaded": 2342317959, "report": "", "path": "C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\downloads\\incomplete\\Foreverworld 2011 R5 DVDRip XVID AC3 HQ Hive CM8", "postproc_time": 19, "name": "Foreverworld_2011_R5_DVDRip_XVID_AC3_HQ_Hive_CM8", "url": "", "bytes": 2342317959, "url_info": "", "stage_log": [ { "name": "Download", "actions": [ "Downloaded in 16 minutes 44 seconds at an average of 2.2 MB/s" ] }, { "name": "Repair", "actions": [ "[010212_01_26_06] Quick Check OK" ] }, { "name": "Unpack", "actions": [ "[010212_01_26_06] Unpacked 2 files/folders in 18 seconds" ] } ] }, { "action_line": "", "show_details": "True", "script_log": "Loading config from C:\\Program Files (x86)\\SickBeard\\autoProcessTV\\autoProcessTV.cfg\r\nOpening URL: http://localhost:8081/home/postprocess/processEpisode?nzbName=Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.nzb&quiet=1&dir=C%3A%5CUsers%5Cusername%5CDocuments%5Cdownloads%5Ccomplete%5CTV%5CFringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION\r\nProcessing folder C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\downloads\\complete\\TV\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION\r\n\r\nProcessing C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\downloads\\complete\\TV\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv (Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.nzb)\r\n\r\nFound result in history: (82066, 4, [])\r\n\r\nParsed C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\downloads\\complete\\TV\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv into Fringe - S4E11 - 720p.HDTV.X264 (DIMENSION) [ABD: False]\r\n\r\nChecking scene exceptions for a match on Fringe\r\n\r\nLooking up Fringe in the DB\r\n\r\nLookup successful, using tvdb id 82066\r\n\r\nLoading show object for tvdb_id 82066\r\n\r\nRetrieving episode object for 4x11\r\n\r\nThe old status had a quality in it, using that: HD TV\r\n\r\nSB snatched this episode so I'm marking it as priority\r\n\r\nIs ep a priority download: True\r\n\r\nThere is no existing file so there's no worries about replacing it\r\n\r\nThis download is marked a priority download so I'm going to replace an existing file if I find one\r\n\r\nDestination folder for this episode: S:\\TV\\Fringe\\Season 04\r\n\r\nMoving file from C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\downloads\\complete\\TV\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv to S:\\TV\\Fringe\\Season 04\\Fringe.S04E11.HD.TV.mkv\r\n\r\nDeleting folder C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\downloads\\complete\\TV\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION\r\n\r\nProcessing succeeded for C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\downloads\\complete\\TV\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv\r\n\r\n", "meta": null, "fail_message": "", "loaded": false, "id": 1256, "size": "1.1 GB", "category": "tv", "pp": "D", "retry": 0, "completeness": 0, "script": "sabToSickBeard.exe", "nzb_name": "Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.nzb", "download_time": 496, "storage": "C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\downloads\\complete\\TV\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION", "status": "Completed", "script_line": "Processing succeeded for C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\downloads\\complete\\TV\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSI...", "completed": 1328326390, "nzo_id": "SABnzbd_nzo_49uiyp", "downloaded": 1134642015, "report": "", "path": "C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\downloads\\incomplete\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION", "postproc_time": 23, "name": "Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION", "url": "", "bytes": 1134642015, "url_info": "", "stage_log": [ { "name": "Download", "actions": [ "Downloaded in 8 minutes 16 seconds at an average of 2.2 MB/s" ] }, { "name": "Repair", "actions": [ "[fringe.division.411.720p-dimension] Quick Check OK" ] }, { "name": "Unpack", "actions": [ "[fringe.division.411.720p-dimension] Unpacked 1 files/folders in 5 seconds" ] }, { "name": "Script", "actions": [ "Processing succeeded for C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\downloads\\complete\\TV\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION\\Fringe.S04E11.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSI... 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Display the options for tools on the currently running SABnzbd.
Parameter | Description |
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Depreciated now by the advanced queue output, this is the old api that just provides limited details on the current queue and state of SABnzbd.
Parameter | Description |
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Display the SABnzbd queue.
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Delete an item from the SABnzbd queue.
Parameter | Description |
name required |
delete |
value required |
multiple ids can be passed when delimited by ,
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Send a test Growl notification using the settings defined in SABnzbd.
Parameter | Description |
{ "status": false, "error": "Cannot register with Growl [Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it" }
Get latest warnings in SABnzbd.
Parameter | Description |
{ "warnings": [ "2012-02-10 20:05:06,641\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:06,740\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:06,842\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:06,944\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:07,043\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:07,144\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:07,244\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:07,345\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:07,447\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:07,548\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:07,648\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:07,749\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:07,848\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:07,950\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 20:05:08,052\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563", "2012-02-10 21:09:22,739\nERROR\nToo many connections to server ssl-eu.astraweb.com:563" ] }